Viers Mill Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024


VMBC is not hosting weddings at this time.  Please reach out to the church office for potential future availability.  We apologize for the inconvenience.
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 
If you are interested in having your wedding at Viers Mill Baptist Church, please read through the policies below.  Please call or email the church office to check the availability of the date and to receive a copy of the Building Use Agreement form.    This form is required along with a deposit to secure the date.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Weddings are NOT scheduled for Holiday weekends or any date between Thanksgiving and New Years.

 Viers Mill Baptist Church makes our facilities available to those who wish to be married in a Christian ceremony.  We believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment, and that both husband and wife are of equal worth before God.  A marriage has its greatest strength when supported in the beginning and throughout by the church. Our congregations wishes to give that support in every way we can.

 Our Church (on recommendation of our Board of Trustees) has adopted the following guidelines for weddings.  They are designed to help your wedding to be a joyful occasion, and to keep our facilities fresh and attractive for everyone’s enjoyment.  Costs are kept at a level to recover the expenses of utilities and wear and tear, and some of the additional duties of custodial personnel.  Our trustees donate their time as part of our church’s ministry of encouragement.

 1.      The church will be opened for use by a member of the church, who will be responsible during the use of the facilities and will close and lock all  doors after the wedding and/or reception is over.
2.      The church member in charge will have full authority to render decisions as necessary to protect or prevent abuse to church facilities.
3.      Only the facilities or part of building assigned to the wedding party will be used.

The following things are prohibited:

 1.      Throwing of rice, confetti, or other materials inside any of the church buildings.
2.      Dancing or the serving or use of alcoholic beverages on church premises.
3.       Smoking in any of the church buildings.
 Charges for use of building must be paid in full one week prior to wedding.

             Sanctuary                               $600.00
            Chapel                                    $150.00
            Social Hall                             $300.00
               Kitchen Use                         $100.00
              Banquet Tables & Chairs   $100.00
 Weddings:  The wedding fee gives you access to the church for three hours on the day of the wedding.  Normally, this would be one hour preceding the ceremony, and two hours following the announced time of the ceremony.  For example, if your wedding is scheduled for 1:00pm, then you would have the church from 12noon until 3:00pm.  Deliveries of flowers or decorations will be accepted before this 3 hour period.  If you feel that you need more than one hour in the building before the ceremony, contact the church office.

 Rehearsals:  The wedding fee includes two hours for a rehearsal.  Rehearsals are normally the evening before the wedding.  When scheduling the date for your wedding, the evening preceding the wedding is also scheduled for your rehearsal.  Rehearsals are scheduled for two hours, with the start time determined by you and the church office.  The time and date of your rehearsal can be changed by contacting the church office at least 7 calendar days in advance.  If you feel that you need more than two hours, please contact the church office.

Viers Mill Baptist Church utilizes the large parking lot next door to the church for all services and activities.  Family and guests should park there.  The small parking lot next to the sanctuary is reserved for those with handicapped stickers and for the limousine.  Please do not park cars in the lot overnight or they will be towed by the shopping center.  Viers Mill Baptist Church will not be responsible for cars that are towed.

 VMBC Pastor’s fee for pre-nuptial sessions and performing ceremony is $250.00. If using another pastor, inquire about his fee.

 Video and flash pictures are permitted if VMBC pastor is the performing ceremony.  If another pastor is performing the ceremony, check with him regarding his policy in this matter.

If you hire an outside organist and he/she wants to have practice time on the organ, they must contact the church office so we can make arrangements to let them in the building.

 When making arrangements with your florist please advise them not to use tape to attach bows to the pews.  For the day of the wedding, the church office will need to know what time the florist plans to deliver so we can be sure they have access to the building.  If you are having a flower girl as part of your wedding and she will scatter flower petals, you must have an aisle runner.  Length of the aisle in the Sanctuary is 75 feet.

 Custodian fees for setup and cleanup are as follows:
            Sanctuary                  $ 60.00
            Chapel                       $ 40.00
            Social Hall                $ 100.00 (base fee) or
                                              $150.00 (Full Banquet: Kitchen, tables, etc.)
  Custodian’s fees may be paid by cash or check.  If by check, it must be made payable to our Custodian directly. 

  Money is due one week prior to the wedding.

  Optional Supplies:  Candles for candelabra  $10.00
 Candles for the candelabra are a special order by the church office.  If you are planning to light a unity candle, you must purchase those candles yourself.   
Your requested date will not be entered on the church calendar until a copy of the Building Use Agreement policy has been filled out, signed and returned to the church office along with the required deposit ($100.00 for use of Sanctuary, $100.00 for use of Social Hall, $50.00 for use of Chapel).  Please contact the church office to receive the form and check your desired date.  A deposit and completed form must be returned to the church office at least 60 days prior to wedding.